# I also wrote a Spatial Simulation of a zombie infection in Stata previously.
# This simulation is a simple repeated matching simulation in which each agent is matched with a random different agent.
# I believe this is an appropriate way of modelling a human zombie exchange as portrayed in the movies. Generally speaking, each encounter can be thought of as a probabilistic draw in which either the human becomes zombified or the zombie is permanently killed.
# Agents all start out as humans (except a random percent which are initially zombified). Each human is
# If a human is vanquished a zombie is added to the zombie population.
# number of humans (approximated due to rounding issues)
start.humans = 100000
# matrix of human types
htypes = seq(0,90,10)
# Frequency of each time of human from 0 to 90 percentile.
# This number is only relative to the scale of the other frequencies so long as it is positive.
# Thus if only type of human had a 5 then it would be 5 times more likely than a type of human with a frequency of 1.
freq = rep(1,length(htypes))
# frequency is the most important parameter choice in the model as will be seen below.
# Bind the information into a single matrix.
human.types = cbind(htypes,freq)
# Now we calculate what percentage of our start.humans are each type.
perc = round((freq/sum(freq))*start.humans)
# Finally we generate our moving things data.
# Initially the only thing moving is humans.
walking.things = rep(htypes,perc)
# Looking good
# Some percentage of the humans are initially infected.
infected.per = .025
# Calculate the number initially that become infected.
nselected = round(start.humans*infected.per)
# Now we randomly select the humans infected initially.
initial.zombies = sample(1:length(walking.things), nselected)
walking.things=c(walking.things[-initial.zombies], rep(-77,nselected))
# -77 Is the number for a zombie.
# After the intial infection phase peopole get their guns out and start acting defensively.
# Percent zombies
perc.zombies = mean(walking.things==-77)
# Total population (living and dead)
nthings.vector = nthings = length(walking.things)
# Count the number of zombies
nzombies = sum(walking.things==-77)
# Count the number of humans
nhumans = sum(walking.things!=-77)
nhumans0 = sum(walking.things==00)
nhumans10 = sum(walking.things==10)
nhumans20 = sum(walking.things==20)
nhumans30 = sum(walking.things==30)
nhumans40 = sum(walking.things==40)
nhumans50 = sum(walking.things==50)
nhumans60 = sum(walking.things==60)
nhumans70 = sum(walking.things==70)
nhumans80 = sum(walking.things==80)
nhumans90 = sum(walking.things==90)
# This command pairs up a vector. It is used to match humans with zombies.
pairup = function(x, unmatched.self=T) {
# Calculate the length of the x vector.
xleng = length(x)
# This checks if the input vector is a scalar.
if (xleng==1) x = 1:(xleng=x)
# Half the length of x rounded down.
hleng = floor(xleng/2)
# Randomize x
x = x[order(runif(xleng))]
pairs = cbind(x[1:hleng],x[(hleng+1):(2*hleng)])
# If there is a odd number of xs then this will match the remaining unmatched x with itself if unmatched.self is T.
if ((unmatched.self)&(xleng/2!=hleng)) pairs=rbind(pairs, c(x[2*hleng+1]))
return (pairs)
max.rounds = 45
# Let's start the simulation:
n = 1
while (nzombies[n]>0 & nhumans[n]>0 & n
# This calls the previously defined function pairup to match two different individuals together.
# This matches them by position in the walking.things vector.
# This assigns to the matrix the values
types = cbind(walking.things[encounter[,1]],walking.things[encounter[,2]])
# Create a vector of terminated or zombified things
conflict = types*0
# 0 Unresolved
# 1 Zombified
# 2 Permenent Death
# 3 No conflict
# 4 win conflict
# This code will check if a zombie is in the right column and human in the left.
hvz = (types[,2]==-77)&(types[,1]>=0)
# If so, the human and zombie places will be switched.
types.temp = types
encounter.temp = encounter
# Zombie encounters human
zvh = (types[,1]==-77)&(types[,2]>=0)
# Calculate the win count of the conflict
win.zvh = (runif(sum(zvh))>types[zvh,2]/100)
# Translate a zombie win onto the conflict map
# Translate a human win onto the conflict map
# Resolve non-conflict. Zombies don't fight zombies and humans don't fight humans.
conflict[types[,1]==types[,2],] = 3
conflict[(types[,1]>=0)&(types[,2]>=0),] = 3
# Finally, adjust the walking.things vector to adjust for the changes.
# Zombify some
walking.things[encounter[conflict==1]] = -77
# Remove others
# Store stats
# Percent zombies
perc.zombies = c(perc.zombies, mean(walking.things==-77))
# Total population (living and dead)
nthings = length(walking.things)
nthings.vector = c(nthings.vector, nthings)
# Count the number of zombies
nzombies = c(nzombies, sum(walking.things==-77))
# Count the number of humans and save them to vectors
nhumans = c(nhumans, sum(walking.things!=-77))
nhumans0 = c(nhumans0, sum(walking.things==0))
nhumans10 = c(nhumans10, sum(walking.things==10))
nhumans20 = c(nhumans20, sum(walking.things==20))
nhumans30 = c(nhumans30, sum(walking.things==30))
nhumans40 = c(nhumans40, sum(walking.things==40))
nhumans50 = c(nhumans50, sum(walking.things==50))
nhumans60 = c(nhumans60, sum(walking.things==60))
nhumans70 = c(nhumans70, sum(walking.things==70))
nhumans80 = c(nhumans80, sum(walking.things==80))
nhumans90 = c(nhumans90, sum(walking.things==90))
# Count the number of rounds completed.
nrounds.completed = length(nhumans0)
plot(c(1,nrounds.completed), c(0,max(nhumans0,nzombies)), type="n",
ylab="Population", xlab="Round\n*Note: The number at the end of each line is the probability that an individual\nin this population group will kill a zombie when encountering one. Z is the zombie population"
, main="Population During a Zombie Attack\nWith a well armed human population a zombie apocalypse is easily prevented")
for (i in seq(0,90,10)) {
text(nrounds.completed+1, get(paste("nhumans",i,sep=""))[nrounds.completed], i)
lines(nzombies, lwd=3)
text(nrounds.completed+1, nzombies[nrounds.completed], "Z")
# However, this equal proportion of highely effective zombie killers to very ineffective zombie killers is nonrepresentational of a typical zombie movies or games.
# I will instead rerun the simulation with a larger percentage of low ability humans.
htypes = seq(0,90,10)
freq = 10:1
# .... using same code as above but with new human population proportions
nrounds.completed = length(nhumans0)
plot(c(1,nrounds.completed), c(0,max(nhumans0,nzombies)), type="n",
ylab="Population", xlab="Round\n*Note: Even the best trained individual will be overwhelmed eventually\nif there are too many easy zombie victims. Z is the zombie population"
, main="Population During a Zombie Attack\nA poorly armed population is ill-equiped to survive a zombie attack")
for (i in seq(0,90,10)) {
text(nrounds.completed+1, get(paste("nhumans",i,sep=""))[nrounds.completed], i)
lines(nzombies, lwd=3)
text(nrounds.completed+1, nzombies[nrounds.completed], "Z")
# Let's try one more variant with still more weak humans but a little better ratios.
htypes = seq(0,90,10)
freq = seq(5,1, length.out=10)
# .... using same code as above but with new human population proportions
nrounds.completed = length(nhumans0)
plot(c(1,nrounds.completed), c(0,max(nhumans0,nzombies)), type="n",
ylab="Population", xlab="Round\n*Note: In this scenario only the top 10 to 20% most effective zombie killers survive."
, main="Population During a Zombie Attack-When the population of dangerous humans\n is sufficiently large, it is possible humanity survives, just barely")
for (i in seq(0,90,10)) {
text(nrounds.completed+1, get(paste("nhumans",i,sep=""))[nrounds.completed], i)
lines(nzombies, lwd=3)
text(nrounds.completed+1, nzombies[nrounds.completed], "Z")
# Overall conclusion? Mandating zombie defense classes is the only way to be certain humanity will survive.