In an experiment involving social policy, a question has arisen as to what statistical method to use. The outcome is 0/1 -- let's say, whether a criminal defendant shows up for trial or not. Then there are a control group and 4 treatment groups (thus, 5 indicator variables showing which group each defendant is in). So the point is to predict the 0/1 outcome based on which treatment group the defendant is in.
One possibility is to use ANOVA, but I'm not sure of that due to the assumption that the outcome is normally distributed, which an indicator variable is not.
I'd like to simulate a dataset such that the outcome (0/1) is as follows: Control group, 20% chance of not showing up (label that as 1, so 20% of the controls should show 1 in the outcome column and 80% should show zeros); treatment group 1, 18% chance of not showing up), treatment group 2, 16% chance of not showing up; treatment group 3, 14% chance of not showing up; and treatment group 4, 12% chance of not showing up. Then I'd like to be able to compare the results from ANOVA as well as a permutation test's
Stata Code:
* Define a program called sampler to generate our data and run our tests.
cap program drop sampler
program define sampler , rclass
* The first argument of the sampler command is the sample
* size to be generated.
gl samp_size = `1'
* Start generating data
set obs 5
* A token observation for each group defined by treatment status
gen treat = _n
* Generate the numbers in each group size
gen grp_size = ${samp_size} * ${ntreat1} if treat==1
replace grp_size = ${samp_size} * ${ntreat2} if treat==2
replace grp_size = ${samp_size} * ${ntreat3} if treat==3
replace grp_size = ${samp_size} * ${ntreat4} if treat==4
replace grp_size = ${samp_size} * ${ntreat5} if treat==5
tab treat, gen(treat)
* Generate a variable to store the true probability that a defendent
* will show up for trial.
gen p_show_up = ${treat1_trial} if treat==1
replace p_show_up = ${treat2_trial} if treat==2
replace p_show_up = ${treat3_trial} if treat==3
replace p_show_up = ${treat4_trial} if treat==4
replace p_show_up = ${treat5_trial} if treat==5
* Now let's expand our token observations to a full data set
expand grp_size
* Now we have the individuals make the actual decisions to show up
gen show_up = rbinomial(1,p_show_up)
* We can do an simple anova by using a multiple regression
reg show_up treat2-treat5
test treat2=treat3=treat4=treat5=0
return scalar F05 = `=r(p)<.05'
return scalar F10 = `=r(p)<.1'
test treat2=0
return scalar t2_05 = `=r(p)<.05'
return scalar t2_1 = `=r(p)<.1'
test treat3=0
return scalar t3_05 = `=r(p)<.05'
return scalar t3_1 = `=r(p)<.1'
test treat4=0
return scalar t4_05 = `=r(p)<.05'
return scalar t4_1 = `=r(p)<.1'
test treat5=0
return scalar t5_05 = `=r(p)<.05'
return scalar t5_1 = `=r(p)<.1'
* Define a program for defining an exact statistics for false rejection by
* randomly sorting the dependent variable.
cap program drop perm
program define perm, rclass
* Perm takes three arguments
* command: the command to be run after the dependent variables
* have been scrambled
* dep_var: a list of dependent variables to be scrambled
* tests: a list of tests to be run after running the command
syntax [anything], COmmand(string) DEp_var(varlist) tests(string)
foreach v in `dep_var' {
tempvar sorter orderer
gen `sorter' = rnormal()
gen `orderer' = _n
sort `sorter'
replace `v' = `v'[`orderer']
di "reorder `v'"
local t=1
gl return_list
foreach v in `tests' {
test `v'
return scalar t`t'_05 = `=r(p)<.05'
return scalar t`t'_10 = `=r(p)<.1'
gl return_list ${return_list} t`t'_05=r(t`t'_05) t`t'_10=r(t`t'_10)
local t=1+`t'
* Begin Estimation
* Treatment one is the control group
* Define the fraction of subjects in each group
gl ntreat1 = 1/5
gl ntreat2 = 1/5
gl ntreat3 = 1/5
gl ntreat4 = 1/5
gl ntreat5 = 1/5
* Probability that a criminal defendent shows up for trial
gl treat1_trial = .20
gl treat2_trial = .18
gl treat3_trial = .16
gl treat4_trial = .14
gl treat5_trial = .12
sampler 5500
* Let's see how the permutation test works
perm, co(reg show_up treat2-treat5) de(show_up) ///
tests("treat2=treat3=treat4=treat5=0" "treat2=0" ///
"treat3=0" "treat4=0" "treat5=0")
simulate ${return_list}, rep(10000): ///
perm, co(reg show_up treat2-treat5) de(show_up) ///
tests("treat2=treat3=treat4=treat5=0" "treat2=0" ///
"treat3=0" "treat4=0" "treat5=0")
/* Variable | Obs Mean Std. Dev. Min Max
t1_05 | 10000 .0507 .2193954 0 1
t1_10 | 10000 .1002 .3002815 0 1
t2_05 | 10000 .0524 .2228435 0 1
t2_10 | 10000 .1015 .3020048 0 1
t3_05 | 10000 .054 .226029 0 1
t3_10 | 10000 .1049 .3064398 0 1
t4_05 | 10000 .0519 .2218362 0 1
t4_10 | 10000 .1008 .3010788 0 1
t5_05 | 10000 .0514 .2208233 0 1
t5_10 | 10000 .1018 .3024002 0 1
These numbers are looking pretty good. I would suspect any bias in rejection
rates is very small from these estimates. */
gl save_values F05=r(F05) F10=r(F10) t2_05=r(t2_05) t2_1=r(t2_1) ///
t3_05=r(t3_05) t3_1=r(t3_1) t4_05=r(t4_05) ///
t4_1=r(t4_1) t5_05=r(t5_05) ///
b2=_b[treat2] b3=_b[treat3] b4=_b[treat4] b5=_b[treat5]
* Now let's use a Monte Carlo resampler to see how frequently we reject the null.
simulate ${save_values} , rep(5000): sampler 5500
/* Variable | Obs Mean Std. Dev. Min Max
F05 | 5000 .999 .0316101 0 1
F10 | 5000 .9994 .02449 0 1
t2_05 | 5000 .2672 .4425419 0 1
t2_1 | 5000 .381 .4856811 0 1
t3_05 | 5000 .7202 .4489457 0 1
t3_1 | 5000 .8114 .3912297 0 1
t4_05 | 5000 .9686 .1744137 0 1
t4_1 | 5000 .9846 .1231498 0 1
t5_05 | 5000 .9994 .02449 0 1
b2 | 5000 -.0200947 .0163725 -.0754545 .0527273
b3 | 5000 -.0399916 .0161132 -.1045455 .0254545
b4 | 5000 -.0601151 .0158372 -.1154545 -.0045455
b5 | 5000 -.0801233 .0155707 -.1354546 -.0254545
Looking at the estiamates of the coeficients b2-b5 the estimates seem
to be unbiased since their divergence from -.02, -.04, -.06, and -.08
is very small. However, we can test this as well.
reg b2
test _cons==-.02
reg b3
test _cons==-.04
reg b4
test _cons==-.06
reg b5
test _cons==-.08
* All of the p values are well above the 10% rejection rate.
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