Tuesday, September 4, 2012
Robust Hausman Test Fail?
* Robust Hausman Test Fail?
* The Huasman test is a commonly used to indicate an ideal choice between fixed effect and random effect estiamtors (in a panel data context).
* In this post I will attempt to violate the underlying assumptions in the Hausman test to see how well the test performs under non-experimental situations.
* To execute this post I will use the robust form of the test purposed by Arellano (1993) {http://ideas.repec.org/a/eee/econom/v59y1993i1-2p87-97.html}.
set obs 10000
gen id=_n
expand 5
* We have 5 years of data per id
bysort id: gen year = _n
* Exlpanatory variables are serially correlated accross years
gen x1 = abs(rnormal())+year
gen x2 = abs(rnormal())+year
gen u = rnormal()*5
* Let's create a set of variables that are the means of x1 and x2.
bysort id: egen x1_mean = mean(x1)
bysort id: egen x2_mean = mean(x2)
xtset id
gen y1 = x1 + x2 + u
xtreg y1 x1 x2 x1_mean x2_mean, cluster(id) re
test x1_mean x2_mean
* It is not a requirement that the explanatory variable be independent and failure of independence of draws does not cause problems for the hausman test.
* Let's see what happens when y is no longer a linear function of our explanatory variables
gen y2 = x1^.97 + x2^.98 + u
xtreg y2 x1 x2 x1_mean x2_mean, cluster(id) re
test x1_mean x2_mean
* Non-linearities do not seem to have an obvious and problematic effect on the Hausman test (though both FE and RE are now inconsistent generally).
* Perhaps if there is noise in the measurement of x1 and x2, the Hausman test will suffer.
gen x1_true = x1+rnormal()
gen x2_true = x2+rnormal()
bysort id: egen x1t_mean = mean(x1_true)
bysort id: egen x2t_mean = mean(x2_true)
gen y3 = x1_true + x2_true + u
xtreg y3 x1_true x2_true x1t_mean x2t_mean, cluster(id) re
test x1t_mean x2t_mean
* Interestingly the test fails very badly. As far as I know, under measurement error in the explanatory variables, there is no reason to use a FE estimator above a RE estimator.
xtreg y3 x1_true x2_true , cluster(id) re
xtreg y3 x1_true x2_true , cluster(id) fe
* Finally we would like to know what would happen to the test if the error (u) is correlated inviduals?
sort id
gen pctile = _n/(_N+1)
gen u2 = normal(pctile)*5
sum u2
gen y4 = x1 + x2 + u2
xtreg y4 x1 x2 x1_mean x2_mean, cluster(id) re
test x1_mean x2_mean
* We can see that the Hausman test once again seems to be working.
* So, the take way? Hausman works well even when the model is slightly misspecified or when errors are serially correlated or when there exists measurement error in the explanatory variable.
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