# This simualtion demonstrates how to build a simple spatial
#multi-agent simulations using R. (repo) # There is a 20 x 20 grid in which the agents occupy.
# If they walk off one edge they end up on the other side. gridx = 20 gridy = 20 # Let's first specify the initial number of agents. n.Bob = 4 n.Frank = 1 n.Dracula = 1 n.Hunter = 2 # Specify number of moves before the monsters start fighting and expanding n.moves = 10 # Now we will create a movement matrix for each monster. t=0 for(v in c("Bob","Frank","Dracula","Hunter")){ t=t+1 # Zombie is type 1, Frankenstien's Monster is type 2, Vampires is type 3, and
Hunter type 4. for(i in 1:get(paste("n.","Bob",sep=""))) { # Specify initial positions x = ceiling(gridx*runif(1)) y = ceiling(gridy*runif(1)) type = t # Create a vector for each monster in the simulation. assign(paste(v,i,sep=""), t(as.matrix(c(x=x,y=y,t=type)))) } } Bob1 Frank1 # Due to number of files separate objects it is not very easy to plot them. plot(0,0,xlim=c(1,gridx),ylim=c(1,gridy), xlab="X", ylab="Y",
main="Zombie-Grey, Frankenstien-Green, Vamp-Red, Hunter-Purple") # Let's speficy the color of each monster type and hunter. # Remember Zombie is 1, Frankenstien's 2, Vampires 3, and Hunter 4. mon.col = c("gray", "green", "red", "purple") for(v in c("Bob","Frank","Dracula","Hunter")){ for(i in 1:get(paste("n.","Bob",sep=""))) { handle = get(paste(v,i,sep="")) handle.l=handle[nrow(handle),] points(handle.l[1],handle.l[2], col=mon.col[handle.l[3]], cex=3, pch=19) } } # Speficy a minmax function that keeps the monsters in the grid minmax <- function(x,xmin,xmax) max(min(x,xmax),xmin) for(ii in 1:n.moves) { for(v in c("Bob","Frank","Dracula","Hunter")){ for(i in 1:get(paste("n.","Bob",sep=""))) { handle = get(paste(v,i,sep="")) handle.l=handle[nrow(handle),] final = rbind(handle,c(minmax(handle.l[1]+(-1)^rbinom(1,1,.5), 1, gridx), minmax(handle.l[2]+(-1)^rbinom(1,1,.5), 1, gridy), handle.l[3])) assign(paste(v,i,sep=""),final) } } } Bob1 plot(0,0,xlim=c(1,gridx),ylim=c(1,gridy), xlab="X", ylab="Y",
main=c("Monster Movement",
"Zombie-Grey, Frankenstien-Green, Vamp-Red, Hunter-Purple")) # Let's speficy the color of each monster type and hunter. # Remember Zombie is 1, Frankenstien's 2, Vampires 3, and Hunter 4. mon.col = c("gray", "green", "red", "purple") for(v in c("Bob","Frank","Dracula","Hunter")){ for(i in 1:get(paste("n.","Bob",sep=""))) { handle = get(paste(v,i,sep="")) turn <- nrow(handle) handle.l=handle[turn,] points(handle[1,1],handle[1,2], col=mon.col[handle.l[3]], cex=2, pch=19) arrows(x1=handle[-1,1], y1=handle[-1,2], x0=handle[-turn,1],y0=handle[-turn,2], col=mon.col[handle.l[3]],pch=19, length=.1) points(handle.l[1],handle.l[2], col=mon.col[handle.l[3]], cex=3, pch=19) } }
# Large circles are end points, small beginning points and arrows movement over the different turns.
# The agents do not interact with each other so this simulation really is not that interesting. In a future post I might explore what happens when agents can encounter each other and how the entire simulation resolves.
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