* When programming Stata "programs" (loosely known as functions in R) it is often times very useful to use the "syntax" command to parse arguments.
* This command takes the arguments input into the command and uses them to control the function of the command.
* For example:
cap program drop example1
program define example1, rclass
syntax [anything]
* The [] tell stata that this argument is optional
* The anything tells Stata that this argument can be of any form excluding a comma (,)
di "`anything'"
* The local function 1 returns the first argument in the command
di "`1'"
* While 2 returns the second
di "`2'"
example1 hello world
example1 *
example1 2123 123213 hello world
* We can see the display changes as a result of how the arguments are structured
* Programmers can force the user to input only inputs of a particular structure.
* For instance:
cap program drop example2
program define example2, rclass
syntax [varlist]
* The [] tell stata that this argument is optional
* The anything tells Stata that this argument can be of any form excluding a comma (,)
di "`varlist'"
* The local function 1 returns the first argument in the command
di "`1'"
* While 2 returns the second
di "`2'"
* Variables targetted in this manner can be modified:
foreach v of varlist `varlist' {
rename `v' r_`v'_rename
gen hello = "content of variable hello"
gen world = "content of variable world"
example2 hello world
* Which works because we created the variables hello and world
example2 hello world
* This does not work because the above command already renamed the variables hello and world
* There is a lot of trickiness involved in effectively programming the syntax command and unfortunately it can be very frustrating because the only feedback stata gives is "invalid syntax" when something goes wrong.
* Also, unfortunately stata does not have many actual coding examples in which syntax is displayed.
* However, I think the following example will go a long way to answering many questions.
* This is the start of a command that will simulate data and test different estimators on that data.
* It will also set default parameters if the user does not input parameters into the simulation directly.
* Before executing the command, the command will display to the user the parameter set to be estimated
cap program drop example3
program define example3, rclass
syntax [anything] [, NGrp(numlist >0 integer) NInd(numlist >0 integer) ///
Rgrp(numlist integer) Udist(string) NEXogenous NENdogenous]
* The first few letters being capital allows the user to abreviate the option to just those two or three letters.
* Set defaults if the user has not defined any.
if "`ngrp'"=="" local ngrp=50
if "`nind'"=="" local nind=20
if "`rgrp'"=="" local rgrp=0
if "`udist'"=="" local udist="rnormal()*5"
* This sets the local parameter exogenous to be equal to 1 by default unless the user specifies ontherwise
local exogenous=1
if "`nexogenous'"!="" local exogenous=0
local endogenous=1
if "`nendogenous'"!="" local endogenous=0
di as text _newline "Simulation Paramaters"
di "Number of groups: `ngrp'"
di "Average number of individuals in each group: `nind'"
di "Group size random (0 no, 1 yes): `rgrp'"
di "Error distribution: `udist'"
di _newline _c "Models estimated: "
if `exogenous' == 1 di _c "EXOGENOUS"
if `endogenous' == 1 di " ENDOGENOUS"
if `exogenous' == 0 & `endogenous' == 0 di "No model estimated!"
* The actual simulation
* End of the command
example3 , ngrp(454)
example3 , ng(454)
* See how the abreviation is possible
example3 , nex udist(runifrom()*3)
example3 , nex udist(runifrom()*3) r(1)
example3 , nex nen
* It is very useful to check out the "help syntax" file.
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