# Listenning to NPR about gun deaths in the US got me thinking.
# Find the article here:
# http://www.slate.com/articles/news_and_politics/crime/2012/12/gun_death_tally_every_american_gun_death_since_newtown_sandy_hook_shooting.html
# Let's create an animation of gun deaths since Dec 14, 2012
gun.deaths <- getcsv.php="" gun-deaths="" http:="" p="" read.csv="" slate-interactives-prod.elasticbeanstalk.com="">
# I first need to change the dates from days to days for later reference
# First I will make a table of the dates wich will include a count
deaths.tab = table(gun.deaths$date)
# Calculate Cumulative Dead
cum.deaths = deaths.tab
for (i in 1:(length(cum.deaths)-1)) cum.deaths[i+1] = cum.deaths[i]+deaths.tab[i+1]
plot(deaths.tab, main="Daily Total US Deaths by Gun", ylab="Death count")
# Number of days in our data (constantly updated every time we run the code
ndays = length(deaths.tab)
# This complicated bit of code will force the dates which are currently factor variables into string variables
gun.deaths$dates = t(data.frame(lapply(gun.deaths$date, as.character), stringsAsFactors=FALSE))
# Create an empty factor to be filled
gun.deaths$day = NA
# This command loops through all of the days and checks if each individual entry in the data from is from that day.
# If it is, then it assigns that day to the day entry.
for (i in 1:ndays) gun.deaths$day[gun.deaths$dates==names(deaths.tab)[i]] = i
# We will cut the data into different age categories
# Some individuals have ages missing. We will code these as category 0.
gun.deaths$age[is.na(gun.deaths$age)] <- 999="" p="">
gun.deaths$age.cat = ""
gun.deaths$age.cat[gun.deaths$age<12 children="" p=""> gun.deaths$age.cat[gun.deaths$age>11 & gun.deaths$age<20 p="" teens=""> gun.deaths$age.cat[gun.deaths$age>=20 & gun.deaths$age<30 adults20="" p=""> gun.deaths$age.cat[gun.deaths$age>=30 & gun.deaths$age<40 adults30="" p=""> gun.deaths$age.cat[gun.deaths$age>=40 & gun.deaths$age<65 madults="" p=""> gun.deaths$age.cat[gun.deaths$age>65 & gun.deaths$age<999 nbsp="" oadults="" p="">
# Adjust the latitude and logitude variables to account for a rescaling of the graph later
# as well as some noise which will help identify when there are multiple deaths in the same city.
nll = length(gun.deaths$lng)
gun.deaths$x = ((gun.deaths$lng+125)/(60))*ndays+rnorm(nll)*.006
# For the graph that will be produced the 20 year olds have the highest likelihood of death.
# Thus they will provide the y upper limit.
ymax = ceiling(sum(gun.deaths$age.cat=="adults20")/50)*50
gun.deaths$y = ((gun.deaths$lat-24)/(27))*ymax+rnorm(nll)*.06
# Generate subsets of the data.
children = gun.deaths[gun.deaths$age.cat == "children",]
teens = gun.deaths[gun.deaths$age.cat == "teens",]
adults20 = gun.deaths[gun.deaths$age.cat == "adults20",]
adults30 = gun.deaths[gun.deaths$age.cat == "adults30",]
madults = gun.deaths[gun.deaths$age.cat == "madults",]
oadults = gun.deaths[gun.deaths$age.cat == "oadults",]
# This will count cumulative deaths by data subset
children.tab = table(children$date)
cum.children = children.tab
for (i in 1:(length(cum.children)-1)) cum.children[i+1] = cum.children[i]+children.tab[i+1]
teens.tab = table(teens$date)
cum.teens = teens.tab
for (i in 1:(length(cum.teens)-1)) cum.teens[i+1] = cum.teens[i]+teens.tab[i+1]
adults20.tab = table(adults20$date)
cum.adults20 = adults20.tab
for (i in 1:(length(cum.adults20)-1)) cum.adults20[i+1] = cum.adults20[i]+adults20.tab[i+1]
adults30.tab = table(adults30$date)
cum.adults30 = adults30.tab
for (i in 1:(length(cum.adults30)-1)) cum.adults30[i+1] = cum.adults30[i]+adults30.tab[i+1]
madults.tab = table(madults$date)
cum.madults = madults.tab
for (i in 1:(length(cum.madults)-1)) cum.madults[i+1] = cum.madults[i]+madults.tab[i+1]
oadults.tab = table(oadults$date)
cum.oadults = oadults.tab
for (i in 1:(length(cum.oadults)-1)) cum.oadults[i+1] = cum.oadults[i]+oadults.tab[i+1]
# This counts the total deaths
cum.total = cum.adults20+cum.adults30+cum.teens+cum.children+cum.madults+cum.oadults
# In order to get a map of the US we will need to install the library maps
# Rescale the US map to fit in our data
map.us = map('state', plot=F)
map.us$x = ((map('state', plot=F)$x+125)/(60))*ndays
map.us$y = ((map('state', plot=F)$y-24)/(27)*ymax)
# Static Plot - Final image
dev.new(width=15, height=10)
plot(cum.adults20, type="n", ylim=c(0,ymax),
ylab="Cumulative Deaths by Age Group" ,
main="US gun Deaths Since Dec 14, 2012", cex.main=1.5,
" ", toString(deaths.tab[i]), "Killed",
" ", toString(cum.deaths[i]), "Dead"))
grid(lwd = 2) # grid only in y-direction
# Draw the US state map
lines(map.us, type="l")
# Place dots for every death
lines(adults20$x, adults20$y, type="p", col="blue",pch=16, cex=.5)
lines(adults30$x, adults30$y, type="p", col="purple",pch=16, cex=.5)
lines(madults$x, madults$y, type="p", col="orange",pch=16, cex=.5)
lines(oadults$x, oadults$y, type="p", col=colors()[641],pch=16, cex=.5)
lines(teens$x, teens$y, type="p", col="red",pch=16, cex=.5)
lines(children$x, children$y, type="p", col=colors()[258],pch=16, cex=.5)
lines(cum.teens, type="l", col=gray(.9), lwd=2)
lines(cum.children, type="l", col=gray(.9), lwd=2)
lines(cum.adults20, type="l", col=gray(.9), lwd=2)
lines(cum.adults30, type="l", col=gray(.9), lwd=2)
lines(cum.madults, type="l", col=gray(.9), lwd=2)
lines(cum.oadults, type="l", col=gray(.9), lwd=2)
lines(cum.teens, type="l", col="red", lwd=1, cex=.5)
lines(cum.children, type="l", col=colors()[258], lwd=1, cex=.5)
lines(cum.adults20, type="l", col="blue", lwd=1, cex=.5)
lines(cum.adults30, type="l", col="purple", lwd=1, cex=.5)
lines(cum.madults, type="l", col="orange", lwd=1, cex=.5)
lines(cum.oadults, type="l", col=colors()[641], lwd=1, cex=.5)
lines(c(ndays,ndays), c(-15,ymax-27), lwd=2, lty=2)
legend("topright", "Today", cex=1.5, bty="n")
legend(0, ymax+20, expression(Children, Teens, "Adults 20s", "Adults 30s",
"Adults 40-65", "Adults 65+"), lty = 1:1, col = c(colors()[258], "red",
"blue", "purple", "orange", colors()[641]), adj = c(0, 0.6), ncol = 6,
cex=.75, lwd=2
# Sequential Graphic - Animation
# Animation package must be installed
deaths.animation = function() {
for (i in c(1:ndays, rep(ndays,10))) {
# Adding the rep(ndays,10)) causes the animation to wait for the equivalent of 10 days after ending.
plot(cum.adults20, type="n", ylim=c(0,ymax),
ylab="Cumulative Deaths by Age Group" ,
main="US gun Deaths Since Dec 14, 2012", cex.main=2,
xlab=paste(names(deaths.tab)[i],"day",toString(i), " ", toString(deaths.tab[i]), "Killed", " ", toString(cum.deaths[i]), "Dead"))
# Draw the US state map
grid(lwd = 2) # grid only in y-direction
# Place dots for every death
lines(map.us, type="l")
t.adults20 = adults20[adults20$day t.adults30 = adults30[adults30$day t.madults = madults[madults$day t.oadults = oadults[oadults$day t.teens = teens[teens$day t.children = children[children$day
lines(t.adults20$x, t.adults20$y, type="p", col="blue",pch=16, cex=1.5)
lines(t.adults30$x, t.adults30$y, type="p", col="purple",pch=16, cex=1.5)
lines(t.madults$x, t.madults$y, type="p", col="orange",pch=16, cex=1.5)
lines(t.oadults$x, t.oadults$y, type="p", col=colors()[641],pch=16, cex=1.5)
lines(t.teens$x, t.teens$y, type="p", col="red",pch=16, cex=1.5)
lines(t.children$x, t.children$y, type="p", col=colors()[258],pch=16, cex=1.5)
p.adults20 = adults20[adults20$day==i,]
p.adults30 = adults30[adults30$day==i,]
p.madults = madults[madults$day==i,]
p.oadults = oadults[oadults$day==i,]
p.teens = teens[teens$day==i,]
p.children = children[children$day==i,]
lines(p.adults20$x, p.adults20$y, type="p", col="blue",pch=1, cex=5)
lines(p.adults30$x, p.adults30$y, type="p", col="purple",pch=1, cex=5)
lines(p.madults$x, p.madults$y, type="p", col="orange",pch=1, cex=5)
lines(p.oadults$x, p.oadults$y, type="p", col=colors()[641],pch=1, cex=5)
lines(p.teens$x, p.teens$y, type="p", col="red",pch=1, cex=5)
lines(p.children$x, p.children$y, type="p", col=colors()[258],pch=1, cex=5)
lines(cum.teens[1:i], type="b", col=gray(.9), lwd=7)
lines(cum.children[1:i], type="b", col=gray(.9), lwd=7)
lines(cum.adults20[1:i], type="b", col=gray(.9), lwd=7)
lines(cum.adults30[1:i], type="b", col=gray(.9), lwd=7)
lines(cum.madults[1:i], type="b", col=gray(.9), lwd=7)
lines(cum.oadults[1:i], type="b", col=gray(.9), lwd=7)
lines(cum.teens[1:i], type="b", col="red", lwd=2)
lines(cum.children[1:i], type="b", col=colors()[258], lwd=2)
lines(cum.adults20[1:i], type="b", col="blue", lwd=2)
lines(cum.adults30[1:i], type="b", col="purple", lwd=2)
lines(cum.madults[1:i], type="b", col="orange", lwd=2)
lines(cum.oadults[1:i], type="b", col=colors()[641], lwd=2)
lines(c(ndays,ndays), c(-15,ymax-27), lwd=2, lty=2)
legend("topright", "Today", bty="n", cex=2.5)
legend(0, ymax+20, expression(Children, Teens, "Adults 20s", "Adults 30s",
"Adults 40-65", "Adults 65+"), lty = 1:1, col = c(colors()[258], "red",
"blue", "purple", "orange", colors()[641]), adj = c(0, 0.6), ncol = 6,
cex=1.5, lwd=1
# deaths.animation()
ani.options(ani.width=1200, ani.height=900)
# In order for the saveGIF function to work you need install Image Magic Display (http://www.imagemagick.org/script/index.php)
# Map Updated Jan-31-2012
# In order for the saveGIF function to work you need install Image Magic Display (http://www.imagemagick.org/script/index.php)
# Map Updated Jan-31-2012
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