do file
* Imagine that you have a wide data set that you would like to convert to a long data set.
* Your data set is structured in the following manner.
set obs 1000
gen id = _n
forv i=1/4 {
gen var1_`i' = rnormal()
gen var2_`i' = rnormal()
gen var3_`i' = rnormal()
gen var`=`i'+3' = rbinomial(1,.5)
order _all, alphabetic
* You should now have data in which there are three variables 1,2, and 3 which have four different records and four variables var4-var7 which are time invariant.
* We can use expand to reshape the data.
expand 4
* Now we have four instances of each of the original observations.
* We want now to create variables var1 var2 var3 and var4 which represent each different values for each panel period.
* First let's sort and label our different panel periods.
* Clump all of the same id's together
bysort id: gen year=_n
* Now we just copy our variables so that they only occur in the appropriate time period.
* I will do this manually though it would be very easy to do by macros.
gen var1 = var1_1 if year == 1
replace var1 = var1_2 if year == 2
replace var1 = var1_3 if year == 3
replace var1 = var1_4 if year == 4
gen var2 = var2_1 if year == 1
replace var2 = var2_2 if year == 2
replace var2 = var2_3 if year == 3
replace var2 = var2_4 if year == 4
gen var3 = var3_1 if year == 1
replace var3 = var3_2 if year == 2
replace var3 = var3_3 if year == 3
replace var3 = var3_4 if year == 4
* Now we just need to drop the extra variables.
drop var?_?
* This can also be accomplished with the reshape command:
set obs 1000
gen id = _n
forv i=1/4 {
gen var1_`i' = rnormal()
gen var2_`i' = rnormal()
gen var3_`i' = rnormal()
gen var`=`i'+3' = rbinomial(1,.5)
order _all, alphabetic
reshape long var1_ var2_ var3_, i(id)
* The tricky thing to remember with reshape is that it requires exact syntax on your variables to be converted.
* That is, reshape is looking for a number at the end of each variable name. This number it will turn into the j variable.
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