Do file
* In Stata when programming commands we often want to be able to be able to develop our own syntax for our own commands.
* The command "syntax" is often at providing a method for parsing command inputs into easily managed forms.
* However, sometimes we may want syntax options not permitted by the command "syntax".
* If we were to program our own instrumental variable regression that looked like Stata's these limitations might cause problems.
* myivreg y x1 x2 (w1 w2 w3 = z1 z2 z3)
* This is one method how this kind of parsing could be accomplished using the gettoken command.
* Gettoken parses or breaks a macro when a certain character or set of characters is input.
* Let's see it in action
local example1 abc def ghi,jkl
di "`example1'"
* We can see that the local example1 is a disorganized string
* We can seperate it into before and after the space with the following commands.
gettoken before after: example1
di "`before'"
di "`after'"
* The default parse character is " "
* We can specify an alternative parse character or set of characters using the parse option.
gettoken before after: example1, parse(",")
di "`before'"
di "`after'"
* Notice that the parse character is included in the after parse
* Let's see gettoken in: myivreg y x1 x2 (w1 w2 w3 = z1 z2 z3)
cap program drop myivreg
program define myivreg
di "The local 0 contains the entire command line: `0'"
gettoken main options: 0 , parse(",")
gettoken dep_exog brackets: 0, parse("(")
gettoken dep_var exog : dep_exog
di "Dependent Variables: `dep_var'"
di "Exogenous Variables: `exog'"
gettoken cntr: brackets, parse(")")
local cntr=subinstr("`cntr'", "(", "", .)
di "Inside brackets: `cntr'"
gettoken endog inst: cntr, parse("=")
local inst=subinstr("`inst'", "=", "", .)
di "Endogenous Variables: `endog'"
di "Instrumental Variables: `inst'"
* At this point we have all of the main pieces of elements we would need to run our ivreg.
ivreg `dep_var' `exog' (`endog' = `inst')
* Let's generate some dummy data
set obs 100
* This will generate some strange data:
* x2 -> z3 -> w0 -> z2 -> w1 -> z1 -> w2 -> x1 -> y
* Where -> means causes. This is not a valid iv regression data
foreach v in x2 z3 w0 z2 w1 z1 w2 x1 y {
gen `v' = rnormal() `corr_vars'
local corr_vars ="+`v'"
myivreg y (w0=z1)
myivreg y x1 x2 (w0 w1 w2 = z1 z2 z3)
* Everthing seems to be working well.
myivreg y x1 x2 (w0 w1 w2 = z1 z2 z3), test
* However, adding the option "test" does not cause a problem. Is this a problem. Not neccessarily.
* We just have not specified any code to ensure that unused syntax is accounted for.
* Combining the gettoken command with the syntax command can accomplish this.
cap program drop myivreg2
program define myivreg2
di "The local 0 contains the entire command line: `0'"
* This is a new bit of code that ensures that no options will be included
syntax anything
gettoken dep_exog brackets: anything, parse("(")
gettoken dep_var exog : dep_exog
di "Dependent Variables: `dep_var'"
di "Exogenous Variables: `exog'"
gettoken cntr: brackets, parse(")")
local cntr=subinstr("`cntr'", "(", "", .)
di "Inside brackets: `cntr'"
gettoken endog inst: cntr, parse("=")
local inst=subinstr("`inst'", "=", "", .)
di "Endogenous Variables: `endog'"
di "Instrumental Variables: `inst'"
* At this point we have all of the main pieces of elements we would need to run our ivreg.
ivreg `dep_var' `exog' (`endog' = `inst')
myivreg2 y x1 x2 (w0 w1 w2 = z1 z2 z3)
myivreg2 y x1 x2 (w0 w1 w2 = z1 z2 z3), test
* Now does not work.
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