# Escape Zombie Land! # This is a simulation an escape from a hot zombie zone. It freezes and gives an error if you get get killed so you had best not. You attempt to navigate the zone by constructing waypoints. # This is not a very clean set up and I would like to clean it up. However, I have spent way more time on it than I intended. So I might come back to it another day. # Zombies are distributed on a 10 x 10 grid. gridxy = c(10,10) # The number of zombies on the map nzombies = 40 # How close a zombie needs to be to take out a human is defined here same.space = .05 # This is how close a human needs to be to consider that the human has reached the waypoint. waypoint.hit = .2 # I set up the zombie distribution randomly initially. set.seed(1) zombiexy = cbind(runif(nzombies)*gridxy[1], runif(nzombies)*gridxy[2]) plot(zombiexy, main="Zombies!", xlab="X", ylab="Y", col=grey(.2), xlim=c(0,gridxy[1]), ylim=c(0,gridxy[2])) # Humans startpoint = c(.5,.5) humans = data.frame(x=c(0,-.25, .25), y=c(0,.25, -.25), name=c("You","Pete", "Jimmy")) humansxy = humans[,1:2] # Count humans nhumans = nrow(humansxy) (humansxy = humansxy+rep(startpoint, each=nhumans)) # Plot humans points(humansxy, pch=8) # Safety safety = c(9.5,9.5) # Waypoints, specify the waypoints the humans are to take to get to the destination. waypoints = rbind(c(2.5,2), c(5,6), c(9.75, 7)) # Route route = rbind(startpoint, waypoints, safety, safety, safety) lines(route) # A vector that will be shortenned as the simulation progresses route.unreached = route points(safety[1], safety[2], pch=7) # Now let's imagine that each zombie has a sensory distance in which the zombie can detect humans. detection.dist = 3 # How fast the zombies can move. Zombies have no inertia. zombie.acceleration = .075 # How fast humans can move human.acceleration = .075 # Humans can outrun zombies by building up inertia human.inertia = .6 # Initially everybody is at rest. hmovement = zmovement = 0 # --------------------------------------------------- #### Set up a single loop to check programming. # First the zombies move # First let's check how close each zombie is to each human. # We will accomplish this by going through each zombie and checking how far away each zombie is from each human. distances = matrix(NA, nrow=nzombies, ncol=nhumans) for (i in 1:nzombies) for (ii in 1:nhumans) distances[i,ii] = (sum((zombiexy[i,]-humansxy[ii,])^2))^.5 target = matrix(1:nrow(humansxy), ncol=nzombies, nrow=nrow(humansxy))[apply(distances, 1, order)[1,]] # The apply command will apply the order command to each row while the [1,] selects only the critter that is closes. plot(zombiexy, xlab = "X", ylab = "Y", main="If zombies did not have perception limitations") for (i in 1:nzombies) arrows(x0=zombiexy[i,1], y0=zombiexy[i,2], x1=humansxy[target,][i,1], y1=humansxy[target,][i,2], length=.1, col="red")
points(humansxy, pch=8) # Safety points(9.5,9.5, pch=7) # However, if the target is outside of detection range then zombies cannot target that human. target[distances[cbind(1:nzombies,target)]>detection.dist]=NA # Plot the relationship between zombies and humans plot(zombiexy, xlab = "X", ylab = "Y", main="Escape Zombie Land") for (i in 1:nzombies) arrows(x0=zombiexy[i,1], y0=zombiexy[i,2], x1=humansxy[target,][i,1], y1=humansxy[target,][i,2], length=.1, col="red") # Plot humans points(humansxy, pch=8) # Safety points(9.5,9.5, pch=7) # This calculates the difference between the current position of each zombie and that of the closest human. ab = zombiexy-humansxy[target,] ab=ab[!is.na(target),] # Now calculate the difference in the horizontal and vertical axes that the zombies will move as a projection into the direction of the closest zombie outside of the perceptive zone. a.prime = zombie.acceleration/(1 + (ab[,2]^2)/(ab[,1]^2))^.5 b.prime = (zombie.acceleration^2-a.prime^2)^.5 # This corrects the movement to ensure that the zombies are moving at the humans rather than away from them. zmovement = cbind(a.prime * sign(ab[,2]), b.prime * sign(ab[,1])) between = function(xy1,xy2,point) ((point>xy1&point<xy2)|(point>xy2&point<xy1)) zmovement = zmovement*(-1)^between(zombiexy[!is.na(target),],humansxy[target[!is.na(target)],], zombiexy[!is.na(target),]-zmovement) # Set the new xypos (zombiexy[!is.na(target),] = zombiexy[!is.na(target),]+zmovement) points(zombiexy, col="red") # Check if any of the zombies caught a human distances = matrix(NA, nrow=nzombies, ncol=nhumans) for (i in 1:nzombies) for (ii in 1:nhumans) distances[i,ii] = (sum((zombiexy[i,]-humansxy[ii,])^2))^.5 zombie.feast = distances[cbind(1:nzombies,target)]<same.space zombie.feast[is.na(zombie.feast)]=F humans.down=NULL (humans.down=unique(c(humans.down, unique(target[zombie.feast])))) # Remove victorious zombies from zombie pool (occupied) (zombiexynew = zombiexy[!zombie.feast,]) # Check if you are eaten if (1 %in% humans.down) stop("You died") # Display messages: if (length(humans.down)==1) warntxt = paste(humans[humans.down,3], "'s down!", sep="") if (length(humans.down)>1) warntxt = paste(humans[humans.down,3], "are down!") # Remove any "captured" humans if (length(humans.down)>0) { humansxy = humansxy[-humans.down,] nhumans = nrow(humansxy) } # Now the surving humans get to move. # However, we only calculate the movement for the leader (you) since all of the other humans move in parrellel to you. # Movement is also much simpler since humans just run from one waypoint to the next. # First we check if we have reached any waypoints (which we have since we start on one). way.distance = (sum((humansxy[1,]-route.unreached[1,])^2))^.5 if (length(route.unreached)==0) stop("Congraduations! Safety reached!") if (way.distance<waypoint.hit) (route.unreached = route.unreached[-1,]) # Now calculate the next place to move ab = humansxy[1,]-route.unreached[1,] # Now calculate the difference in the horizontal and vertical axes that the humans will move as a projection into the direction of the closest human outside of the perceptive zone. a.prime = human.acceleration/(1 + (ab[,2]^2)/(ab[,1]^2))^.5 b.prime = (human.acceleration^2-a.prime^2)^.5 # This corrects the movement to ensure that the zombies are moving at the humans rather than away from them. hmovement = cbind(a.prime * sign(ab[,2]), b.prime * sign(ab[,1])) between = function(xy1,xy2,point) ((point>xy1&point<xy2)|(point>xy2&point<xy1)) hmovement = hmovement*(-1)^between(humansxy[1,],route.unreached[1,], humansxy[1,]-hmovement) # Let's see what this looks like! points(humansxy, pch=8) lines(route) points(safety[1], safety[2], pch=7) points(route.unreached[-nrow(route.unreached),], pch=17) # Set the new xypos (humansxy = humansxy+ t(matrix(hmovement,nrow=2, ncol=nhumans))) # hmovement0 will save the movement to allow for inertia hmovement0 = t(matrix(hmovement,nrow=2, ncol=nhumans)) points(humansxy, pch=8, col="blue") # ------------------------------------------------------ # Let's turn this into an animation. ani.pause=F library(animation) flocking = function (ani.pause=F) { # This is text displayed on the map initially warntxt = "We need to make a run for the safe zone. Choose a route." while (nrow(route.unreached)>2) { # First let's check how close each zombie is to each human. # We will accomplish this by going through each zombie and checking how far away each zombie is from each human. distances = matrix(NA, nrow=nzombies, ncol=nhumans) for (i in 1:nzombies) for (ii in 1:nhumans) distances[i,ii] = (sum((zombiexy[i,]-humansxy[ii,])^2))^.5 if (nrow(humansxy)>1) target = matrix(1:nrow(humansxy), ncol=nzombies, nrow=nrow(humansxy))[apply(distances, 1, order)[1,]] if (nrow(humansxy)==1) matrix(1, ncol=nzombies, nrow=1) # The apply command will apply the order command to each row while the [1,] selects only the critter that is closes. target[distances[cbind(1:nzombies,target)]>detection.dist]=NA # Plot the relationship between zombies and humans plot(0,0, type="n", xlab = "X", ylab = "Y", main="Escape Zombie Land", xlim=c(0,gridxy[1]), ylim=c(0,gridxy[2])) # Safety points(9.5,9.5, pch=7) text(5,.25,warntxt) # This calculates the difference between the current position of each zombie and that of the closest human. ab = zombiexy-humansxy[target,] ab=ab[!is.na(target),] # Now calculate the difference in the horizontal and vertical axes that the zombies will move as a projection into the direction of the closest zombie outside of the perceptive zone. a.prime = zombie.acceleration/(1 + (ab[,2]^2)/(ab[,1]^2))^.5 b.prime = (zombie.acceleration^2-a.prime^2)^.5 # This corrects the movement to ensure that the zombies are moving at the humans rather than away from them. zmovement = cbind(a.prime * sign(ab[,2]), b.prime * sign(ab[,1])) between = function(xy1,xy2,point) ((point>xy1&point<xy2)|(point>xy2&point<xy1)) zmovement = zmovement*(-1)^between(zombiexy[!is.na(target),],humansxy[target[!is.na(target)],], zombiexy[!is.na(target),]-zmovement) # Set the new xypos zombiexy[!is.na(target),] = zombiexy[!is.na(target),]+zmovement points(zombiexy) # Check if any of the zombies caught a human distances = matrix(NA, nrow=nzombies, ncol=nhumans) for (i in 1:nzombies) for (ii in 1:nhumans) distances[i,ii] = (sum((zombiexy[i,]-humansxy[ii,])^2))^.5 zombie.feast = distances[cbind(1:nzombies,target)]<same.space zombie.feast[is.na(zombie.feast)]=F humans.down=NULL humans.down=unique(c(humans.down, unique(target[zombie.feast]))) # Remove victorious zombies from zombie pool (occupied) zombiexynew = zombiexy[!zombie.feast,] # Check if you are eaten if (1 %in% humans.down) warntxt = "You died" # Display messages: if (length(humans.down)==1) warntxt = paste(humans[humans.down,3], "'s down!", sep="") if (length(humans.down)>1) warntxt = paste(humans[humans.down,3], "are down!") # Remove any "captured" humans if (length(humans.down)>0) { humansxy = humansxy[-humans.down,] nhumans = nrow(humansxy) } # Now the surving humans get to move. # However, we only calculate the movement for the leader (you) since all of the other humans move in parrellel to you. # Movement is also much simpler since humans just run from one waypoint to the next. # First we check if we have reached any waypoints (which we have since we start on one). way.distance = (sum((humansxy[1,]-route.unreached[1,])^2))^.5 if (length(route.unreached)==0) stop("Congraduations! Safety reached!") if (way.distance<waypoint.hit) (route.unreached = route.unreached[-1,]) # Now calculate the next place to move ab = humansxy[1,]-route.unreached[1,] # Now calculate the difference in the horizontal and vertical axes that the humans will move as a projection into the direction of the closest human outside of the perceptive zone. a.prime = human.acceleration/(1 + (ab[,2]^2)/(ab[,1]^2))^.5 b.prime = (human.acceleration^2-a.prime^2)^.5 # This corrects the movement to ensure that the zombies are moving at the humans rather than away from them. hmovement = cbind(a.prime * sign(ab[,2]), b.prime * sign(ab[,1])) between = function(xy1,xy2,point) ((point>xy1&point<xy2)|(point>xy2&point<xy1)) hmovement = hmovement*(-1)^between(humansxy[1,],route.unreached[1,], humansxy[1,]-hmovement) # Let's see what this looks like! points(safety[1], safety[2], pch=7) points(route.unreached[-nrow(route.unreached),], pch=17) # Set the new xypos humansxy = humansxy+ t(matrix(hmovement,nrow=2, ncol=nhumans))+hmovement0*human.inertia # hmovement0 will save the movement to allow for inertia hmovement0 = t(matrix(hmovement,nrow=2, ncol=nhumans)) points(humansxy, pch=8, col="blue") # This is only used in the event that the animate package is in use. if (ani.pause) ani.pause() } } ani.options(interval = .15) flocking()
# Let's see how we do at escaping zombie land ani.options(ani.width=600, ani.height=600, interval=.25) saveGIF(flocking( ani.pause=T), movie.name = "Zombies.gif", replace=T)
Cool, I really love your animations!
ReplyDeleteSince I am an andrologist (someone working on male fertility), do you think it would be possible to simulate the movement of sperm towards an egg, and the sperm have very different features such as slow/ fast/curvilinear movement, some of the may not make it to the egg (energy exhaustion), etc?
Cheers, Andrej
Yes, haha, that sounds definitely doable and interesting. If you want we can talk. Send me an email. If I can get some more details I could perhaps put together a simulation if I can fit it in between the many other projects that I am committed to.
DeleteFantastic! Thanks so much for sharing the code.