Thursday, June 6, 2013

Bootstrapping Time Series Data

* Every so often someone asks about how to bootstrapping time series data.

* The answer is not either easy or clear (at least as far as I know though there are many people mroe expert on the subject than I).

* The problem is that time series data is by its nature linearly dependent with itself (auto-correlated).

* Let's see how this looks:


set obs 300

gen t = _n
gen x = 0
gen y = 0
gen u = rnormal()*7.5

local N=_N

* You must fill in the simulated data sequentially
qui forv i=2(1)`N' {
 replace x = rnormal() + .75*x[`i'-1] if t==`i'
 replace y = x*1.5 + .75*y[`i'-1] + u if t==`i'

* Let's see what it looks like
* I will first standardize the two.
egen ystd = std(y)
egen xstd = std(x)

two (line ystd t) (line xstd t), name(original, replace) legend(off) ///
          title("We can see that the two series are moving together")

* In order to estimate the relationship between y properly we must account for the linear depenent structure of the data.
reg y x

* Is obviously very biased.
gen yl = y[t-1]

* Now we can see that our estimate on x is much closer to our true (1.5).
reg y yl x

* It is worth noting that at this point it is completely unnecccesary to included any lagged values of x.
* Though this is only because we are assuming contemporaneous exogeneity between y and x.

* Now let's make the obvious mistake and try to boostrap.
bs: reg y yl x

* Wow, our estimates look great!  .... Not quite.

* The problem is we are no longer trully bootstrapping our data because lagged values of y are not lagged values of y in our new distributions.

* Drawing on a previous post:

cap program drop bootme
program bootme
    $nq preserve
    syntax anything [, Reps(integer 100) c1(string) c2(string) c3(string) Keep(string) Noisily]
    if "`noisily'" == "" local nq quietly
    if "`noisily'" != "" local nq
    `nq' gen bootmatcher = _n-1
    `nq' gl boot_N=_N
     tempfile drawfile
    `nq' save `drawfile' , replace
  `nq' clear
  `nq' set obs `reps'
  foreach v in `keep' {
   local vtemp=strtoname("v`v'")
  `nq' gen `vtemp'=.
  tempfile returnlist
  `nq' save `returnlist' , replace
  di as text _newline "Bootstrap replications ({result:`reps'})"
  di "----+--- 1 ---+--- 2 ---+--- 3 ---+--- 4 ---+--- 5"
  forv i=1/`reps' {
  `nq' set obs $boot_N
  `nq' gen bootmatcher = int(runiform()*$boot_N)
  `nq' sort bootmatcher
  `nq' merge m:1 bootmatcher using `drawfile', keep(3)
  * Making a slight modification to the code her
  gen tempvarzzz = rnormal()
  sort tempvarzzz
  `nq' `c1'
  `nq' `c2'
  `nq' `c3'
  `nq' `c4'
  `nq' `c5'
  `nq' `c6'
  drop tempvarzzz

  `nq' use `returnlist', clear
  foreach v in `keep' {
    local vtemp=strtoname("v`v'")
    `nq' replace `vtemp'=`v' if _n==`i'
  `nq' save `returnlist', replace
  if `i'/50 == int(`i'/50) di ".  " `i'
  else di _continue "."
  `nq' restore
  gen tempvarzzz = rnormal()
  sort tempvarzzz
  drop tempvarzzz

* We can see that we get basically the same results.
bootme 1, r(200) k(_b[x]) c1(reg y yl x)

* However, now let's add a line of code that generates y lagged as a function of the boostrapped data.
bootme 1, r(200) k(_b[x]) c1(gen ylboot = y[t-1]) c2(reg y ylboot x)

* In this formulation, unsurprisingly ylboot has almost no explanatory power.
gen tboot = _n

two (line ystd tboot) (line xstd tboot), name(boot1, replace) ///
       title("Boostrapped data is not autocorrelated")  legend(off)

graph combine boot1 original, rows(2)

* We can see that clearly bootstrapping our results in this way is not going to work.

* One of my classmates is using a method that I think he got from the literature which is a little more complicated.

* First he estimates his model.

reg y yl x
* Then predicts the fitted and residuals

predict yhat
predict uhat, resid

* Then he bootstraps those values and reconstructs the y values from the fitted values by randomly drawing the errors.

* Let's see if we can accomplish this with the previous command.

* First we need to save the fitted values to be grabbed later.
global N=_N
forv i=1(1)$N {
  gl yhat`i' = yhat[`i']
  gl x`i' = x[`i']

* Write a small program to load yhat values back into the memory
cap program drop datasetup
program datasetup
  cap gen yhat0 = .
  cap gen ynew = .
  cap gen ynewlag = .
  cap gen xnew = .

  forv i=1(1)$N {
    qui replace yhat0 = ${yhat`i'} if _n==`i'
qui replace xnew = ${x`i'}  if _n==`i'
if `i'>1 qui replace ynew = yhat0+uhat
  replace ynewlag=ynew[_n-1]

corr y ynew x xnew
* Initially these values will be identical

bootme 1, r(200) k(_b[x]) c1(datasetup) c2(reg ynew ynewlag xnew)
* As with my classmate's results, the new confidence interval for the x coefficient does not even include the original estimate ~1.2.

* Looking at the data generated in this method
egen ynewstd = std(ynew)
egen xnewstd = std(xnew)

replace t=_n
two (line ynewstd t) (line xnewstd t), name(original, replace) legend(off) ///
          title("The new time series")

* Clearly this method is not accomplishing what we would like it to accomplish from a perspective of replicating the estimated coefficients.

* However, interestingly (though not neccessarily believably) the standard errors from the bootstrap are close to the size of the standard errors from the OLS regression above reg y y1 x

* Hope this is helpful.  I will send my friend this link to see if he has anything to add.

1 comment:

  1. Francis - check out the block bootstrap and its extensions.
