* This command looks in a directory through all of the data files for a text match in either the name of the variables or the description of the variables.
* Specify where to look. I have all of my the data files from Jeffrey Wooldridge's Introductory Econometrics book in one directory.
local targ_dir = "A:/Wooldridge/"
* What to look for
local lookforwhat "computer" /* I know that one of Jeff's examples uses computers and coupons */
dir "`targ_dir'*.dta"
* Creates a list of data files in the directory and stores them in the `file_list' local
local file_list : dir "`targ_dir'" files "*.dta"
* Saves your current data
* Loops through all of the files in the file list
foreach v in `file_list' {
* Tells the user what files is being openned
di as input "Opening: `v'"
* Opens the data file
use "`targ_dir'\`v'", clear
* Looks within the data file for the text match
lookfor `lookforwhat'
* Saves the match to `found_result' if a variable is found
local found_result = r(varlist)
* If a variable is found then it displays a message though of course the lookfor command also displays useful results
if length("`found_result'")>1 di _newline "`lookforwhat' found in file `v'" _newline
* Restores the user's data to the previous state.
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