Monday, June 18, 2012
Demographic- Mortality Rates Simulation
* The following simulation generates mortality rates and typical demographic type data.
* NOTE:: The values in this simulation does not flect true demographic information but only meant to be sketch of how someone might simulate true demographic information.
set seed 1010
* Empty the memory
* Set the number of observations to generate
set obs 2000
* Specifies gender
gen female=rbinomial(1,.5)
* Specifies if person smoked
gen smoked=rbinomial(1,.25)
* Specifies if person excercised
gen exercise = runiform()*.5
* Specifies personal heterogeneity
gen genetics = abs(rnormal(1,.5))+.5
* Now let us generate initial rates:
* All of our people start at age 1
gen age=1
* None of them are initially deceased
gen deceased=0
gen mortality_age=.
label var mortality_age "Age at death"
gen id=_n
label var id "Personal ID"
gen cancer_risk = 0.005
gen death_prob = 0
gen age_risk = .
* Generates birth year
gen brth_year = round(runiform()*150)+1850
* Specifies the year of observation in the simulation
gen year = brth_year + age - 1
* Specifies the starting age
local age=0
* Is an indicator that when positive tells the while loop to end.
gl end=0
* Begin the mortality loop
qui while $end==0 {
* Age is the age that the person will be in at the end of the current loop
local age=`age'+1
* Generates the current year
replace year = brth_year + age - 1
* Generate the probability of death by cancer if the person smoked
replace cancer_risk = `age'^.5*.001 if smoked == 1 & age > 18 & age == `age'
* Generate a general aging mortality factor
replace age_risk = `age'^1.9-`age'^1.89
* Create the combined death probability
replace death_prob = .001*genetics*age_risk + cancer_risk - exercise*.1 if deceased == 0
replace death_prob = abs(rnormal())/(200*age^2) if age < 10 & deceased == 0 & age == `age'
* High mortality rate in first year
* Men tend to have higher mortality rates at all ages
replace death_prob = death_prob+.01 if female==0 & age == `age'
* The death rate for males increases during World War I and WWII
replace death_prob = death_prob + .03 if age >17 & female==0 & deceased == 0 & year > 1913 & year < 1919 & age == `age'
replace death_prob = death_prob + .05 if age >17 & female==0 & deceased == 0 & year > 1939 & year < 1946 & age == `age'
* Make sure there is a minimum death rate of 1 out of 1000
* replace death_prob = max(death_prob,.001) if deceased == 0 & age == `age'
* Save the true average probability of dieing for that age group
sum death_prob if deceased == 0 & age == `age'
local death_prob = r(mean)
* Generate a variable to indicate if this person died at this age
gen yr_o_death = rbinomial(1, death_prob) if deceased == 0 & age == `age'
* Replace the person's life living indicator if that person is deceased
replace deceased = 1 if yr_o_death == 1 & age == `age'
replace mortality_age = `age' if yr_o_death == 1 & age == `age'
expand 2 if deceased == 0 & age==`age', gen(new_yr)
replace age=age+1 if new_yr==1 & age==`age'
sum deceased if age==`age'
drop new_yr yr_o_death
if r(N)==0 gl end=1
noi di "Age: `age' mortality rate " r(mean) ": survivors : " r(N) " : true mean death prob = `death_prob'"
* Dummy variables to indicate if the person was alive
gen WW1=0
gen WW2=0
replace WW1 = 1 if female==0 & year > 1913 & year < 1919 & age >17
replace WW2 = 1 if female==0 & year > 1939 & year < 1946 & age >17
* Create dummies for if the person was male, lived through the years
bysort id: egen WW1dum=max(WW1)
bysort id: egen WW2dum=max(WW2)
* This will graph a histogram of mortality by age
qui sum mortality_age
local bin_max = r(max)
hist mortality_age, kden bin(`bin_max') percent
sum mortality_age
* We can see that the simulation is producing the right signs for the independent variables.
reg mortality_age female exercise smoked WW?
* The following will look at the distribution of ages at a particular time (1945)
local yr=1945
qui sum age if year == `yr'
local bin_max = r(max)
di "hist age if year == `yr', kden bin(`bin_max') percent"
hist age if year == `yr', kden bin(`bin_max') percent title(Population Distribution in `yr')
sum mortality_age if year == `yr'
qui sum mortality_age
local bin_max = r(max)
hist mortality_age, kden bin(`bin_max') percent by(age)
sum mortality_age
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