# One of the basic tasks in item response theory is estimating the ability of a test taker from the responses to a series of items (questions).
# Let's draw the same pool of items that we have used on several previous posts:
# First let's imagine we have a pool of 100 3PL items.
npool = 500
pool = as.data.frame(cbind(item=1:npool, a=abs(rnorm(npool)*.25+1.1), b=rnorm(npool), c=abs(rnorm(npool)/7.5+.1)))
# Drawing on code from a previous post we can calculate several useful functions:
# (http://www.econometricsbysimulation.com/2012/11/matching-item-information.html)
# Each item has a item characteristic curve (ICC) of:
PL3 = function(theta,a, b, c) c+(1-c)*exp(a*(theta-b))/(1+exp(a*(theta-b)))
# Let's imagine that we have a single test taker and that test taker has taken the first 15 items from the pool.
items.count = 15
items.taken = pool[1:items.count,]
# And that the person has a latent theta ability of 1
theta = 1.3
# Let's calculate the cut points for each of the items.
items.cut = PL3(theta, items.taken$a, items.taken$b, items.taken$c)
# We can see how the cut point works by graphing
plot(0,0, type="n", xlim=c(-3,3),ylim=c(0,1), xlab=~theta,
ylab="Probability of Correct Response", yaxs = "i", xaxs = "i" , main="Item Characteristics Curves and Ability Level")
for(i in 1:items.count) {
lines(seq(-3,3,.1),PL3(seq(-3,3,.1), items.taken$a[i], items.taken$b[i], items.taken$c[i]), lwd=2)
abline(h=items.cut[i], col="blue")
abline(v=theta,col="red", lwd=3)
# Now let's draw a uniform draw that we will use to calculate whether each item as passed.
rdraw = runif(items.count)
# Finally, we will calculate item responses
item.responses = 0
item.responses = items.cut > rdraw
# Done with Simulation - Time for Estimation
# We want to use the information we know about the items (the item parameters and the responses) in order to estimate a best guess at the true ability of the test taker.
# First we must check if the person got all of the items either correct or incorrect.
# If this is either a 0 or a number equal to the number of items then we cannot esimate an interior maximum without additional assumptions.
# We will attempt to recover our theta value using the r command optim
# First we need to specify the function to optimize over.
MLE = function(theta) sum(log((item.responses==T)*PL3(theta, items.taken$a, items.taken$b, items.taken$c) +
(item.responses==F)*(1-PL3(theta, items.taken$a, items.taken$b, items.taken$c))))
# The optimization function takes as its argument the choice variables to be optimized (theta).
# The way the above optimization works is that you specify the probility of each response piecewise.
# If the response is correct, then you count the CDF of theta up to that point as contributing to the probability of observing a correct outcome. If the response is negative, then you count it as contributing the the probability of a incorrect outcome. You then choose the theta that produces the greatest total probability.
MLEval = 0
theta.range = seq(-3,3,.1)
for(i in 1:length(theta.range)) MLEval[i] =MLE(theta.range[i])
plot(theta.range, MLEval, type="l", main="Maximim Likelihood function", xlab= ~theta, ylab="Sum of Log Likelihood")
abline(v=theta, col="blue")
# We can visually see that the maximum of the slope will not be at the true value though it will be close.
optim(0,MLE, method="Brent", lower=-6, upper=6, control=list(fnscale = -1))
abline(v=optim(0,MLE, method="Brent", lower=-6, upper=6, control=list(fnscale = -1))$par, col="red")
# We can use R's optim function to find the ideal theta that would maximize the information from this test.
# Item information is:
PL3.info = function(theta, a, b, c) a^2 *(PL3(theta,a,b,c)-c)^2/(1-c)^2 * (1-PL3(theta,a,b,c))/PL3(theta,a,b,c)
# Notice, this is not the best way of defining the test information function since the items are not arguments.
test.info = function(theta) sum(PL3.info(theta, items.taken$a, items.taken$b, items.taken$c))
# Construct a vector to hold the test information
info = 0
for(i in 1:length(theta.range)) info[i]=test.info(theta.range[i])
plot(theta.range, info, type="l", main="Information Peaks Slightly Above 0", xlab= ~theta, ylab="Information")
abline(v=theta, col="blue")
# But we want to know about the test taker at theta
optim(0,test.info, method="Brent", lower=-6, upper=6, control=list(fnscale = -1))
# The person this test would be best suited to evaluate would have an ability rating of .19
abline(v=optim(0,test.info, method="Brent", lower=-6, upper=6, control=list(fnscale = -1))$par, col="red")
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