Tuesday, May 1, 2012
The Many Forms of Instrumental Variables
* The many forms of the Instrumental Variables estimator
* Stata Simulation and Estimation
* Imagine that you have the endogenous variable, years of
* education, and you want to estimate the returns of education
* in terms of earnings. The problem is that diligence is
* going to be correlated with education and it is also going to
* be correlated with earnings. But diligence is unobservable
* in your data set and perhaps from a feasibility perspective,
* in life.
* Ideally you would like to have an experiment where you "give"
* some people more education than others. We have the next best
* thing. Let's imagine that we have education scholarship
* lottery data which gives students one year of free education
* upon completing that year and it is awarded completely RANDOMLY
* among all potential students.
* The randomness is year in this application. Formally:
* Y=XB+U
* The problem corr(X,U)!=0
* So, rather than solving the standard way:
* X'Y=X'XB+X'U
* B=(X'X)^-1 X'Y-(X'X)^-1 X'U
* E(B)=B=E((X'X)^-1 X'Y) + 0 ---- because E(X'U)=0, OLS assumption
* We, use:
* Z'Y=Z'XB+Z'U
* B=(Z'X)^-1 Z'Y-(Z'X)^-1 Z'U
* E(B)=B=E((Z'X)^-1 Z'Y) + 0 ---- because E(Z'U)=0, IV assumption
* It is not obvious from this formation, but IV is not an unbiased estimator,
* just a consistent one.
* For more details see Wooldridge, Book 1 Chapter 15
* Standard deviation of u
gl sdu=5
* Average effect of z on w
gl gamma11=4
gl gamma12=2
gl gamma21=4.4
gl gamma22=0
* Average effect of w on z
gl beta1=1
gl beta2=1
* Standard deviation of z
gl zsd1=1
gl zsd2=1
* Specify the correlation between the explanatory variables x1 and x2 and the error.
gl rho12=.5
gl rho13=.75
gl sdv1 = 1gl sdv2 = 1
drop _all
set obs 10000
gen rv1=rnormal()
gen rv2=rnormal()
gen rv3=rnormal()
gen u =(rv1+rv2+rv3)*$sdu
gen v1 =$sdv1*(rv1*$rho12 + rv2*(1-$rho12)^.5)
gen v2 =$sdv2*(rv1*$rho13 + rv3*(1-$rho13)^.5)
gen z1 = rnormal()*$zsd1
gen z2 = rnormal()*$zsd2
gen x1=z1*$gamma11 + z2*$gamma12 + v1
gen x2=z1*$gamma21 + z2*$gamma22 + v2
gen y = x1*$beta1 + x2*$beta2 + u
* The most straight forward IV estimator is IV reg
ivreg y (x*=z*)
* An equivalent estimator is 2SLS
reg x1 z*
predict x1hat
reg x2 z*
predict x2hat
reg y x1hat x2hat
* The second stage errors need be adjusted for the first stage
* being estimated.
* Also, an equivalent estimator is another 2 stage estimator
* called the control function.
reg x1 z*
predict v1hat, residual
reg x2 z*
predict v2hat, residual
reg y x1 x2 v1hat v2hat
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sdv1 and sdv2 are not given a value, I think.
Good point