* Value-added modelling is a common approach to use to try to infer the "quality" or "value" of inputs.
* In education, these methods have become quite popular politically and academically.
* But in a sense using these methods in education is an abstraction.
* Let us first in order to grasp how value added methods were first developed think of a production example.
* Imagine that you are manufacturing tablet computers (iPad).
* On each step of the production process there is a different "value" that is added to the process as a result the particular inputs.
* In order to conceptualize this think of the product at each stage being worth a certain value that is then bought buy the next person in the manufacturing chain.
* However, you do not want to use the market to assemble the tablet computers.
* You want to assemble them in house.
* Therefore you want to figure out a way of inferring how much value each input has.
* To do this, imagine that run a series of non-market valuations after each stage of the production process to infer a current price.
* Then you take the change in that market price as a measure of the value of those inputs.
set seed 11
* Let's do this:
set obs 10
* 10 different companies
gen comp_id = mod(_n-1,10)+1
label var comp_id "Company ID"
* Each of the companies has a different assembly line structure.
* Let's imagine that at each stage that company's structure ads a constant amount of value to all products.
gen comp_fe = runiform()
label var comp_fe "The fixed effect (specific to that company) added to each product each stage"
* Now let's imagine that each company produces 10 different products (over the sample time)
expand 10
sort comp_id
* Generate a list of product ids
gen prod_id = _n
label var prod_id "Product ID"
* Each product line has some inherent design component that makes it more or less valued at each progressive stage than other products.
gen prod_fe = rnormal()/2 + 1/4
label var prod_fe "Product Fixed Effect"
* Now imagine that there are 5 stages of production for each product
expand 5
bysort prod_id: gen prod_stage = _n
* You have different stages with the initial stage product idea.
* Stage 1 gather raw materials
* Stage 2 manufacture components
* Stage 3 assemble components (probably in China)
* Stage 4 ship product
* Stage 5 sell product at the retail locations
label var prod_stage "Production stage"
* Now imagine also that there are 100 contractors in tablet computer production market.
* These contractors get random contracts as to which product to work on.
* This is what we really want to know.
* How good are these contractors at "adding value" to the product.
* This is the trickiest part of the code so far.
* First we need to generate the contractors.
* Keep the data that we have generated so far:
* There are several ways of doing this.
* I will use the many:1 merge command to accomplish this task.
* Imagine that our 100 contractors are subsidiaries of 5 different umbrella companies.
set obs 5
gen cont_company_id=_n
label var cont_company_id "Contracting company ID"
* Each of these companies has a different work ethic
gen cont_company_fe = rnormal()*.25
label var cont_company_fe "Contracting company effectiveness"
* Each of the contracting companies has 20 contractors they manage.
expand 20
gen cont_id = _n
label var cont_id "Contractor ID"
gen cont_fe = rnormal() + 1
label var cont_fe "Contractor effectiveness"
* Now we will save the contractor information to a temporary data file
save "contractor.dta", replace
* Let us first assign contractor IDs randomly:
gen cont_id=int(runiform()*100+1)
* Now let's merger in the contractor data
merge m:1 cont_id using "contractor.dta"
drop _merge
* Let us think that whenever a different product is developed there is some unobserved component that adds or subtracts random value from a product line independent of all other inputs at each stage.
gen rand_effect = rnormal()
label var rand_effect "Random idiosyncratic production effect unique to each product at each stage"
* In other words the error component
* Finally, imagine that at each stage there is an "average" amount of value added at that stage.
* We will use another merge command to do this:
set obs 5
gen prod_stage=_n
gen stage_fe = runiform()*2
label var stage_fe "Production stage fixed effect"
save "Stage.dta", replace
merge m:1 prod_stage using "Stage.dta"
drop _merge
* Let us first add on a production stage zero representing the initial "value" of the product idea.
* This is a little tricky to do.
expand 2 if prod_stage == 1, generate(expand_indicator)
* I will expand the data for production stage 1 and indicate the created data with expand indicator.
replace prod_stage = 0 if expand_indicator==1
drop expand_indicator
* Now I want to make sure that stage 0 production is not done by any contractors so there is only the company effect and product effect.
foreach v in cont_id cont_company_id cont_company_fe cont_fe rand_effect stage_fe {
replace `v' = 0 if prod_stage == 0
* Now let us start to generate the values of the products at each stage.
* This is a cumulative model ie. Value Added
* So in effect y=lambda*y[t-1] + XB + v
* To begin with we will generate the initial value of y.
gen value=abs(rnormal()) + prod_fe + comp_fe if stage==0
* First let us double check to make sure our data is sorted properly.
sort prod_id prod_stage
* This is the retention value of a product from each previous stage.
* If lambda is low then it means that once the product is processed it cannot be used in the previous production stage.
* If lambda is high then it means that the previous value is retained plus any value added of progressive stages.
gen lambda=.95
* Now let us generate the cumulative value added data.
replace value=lambda*value[_n-1] + prod_fe + comp_fe + cont_fe +cont_company_fe + stage_fe + rand_effect if stage>0
**** Simulation END
bysort prod_stage: sum value
* We can see that on average at each production stage there is an increasing value of the product.
* However, we can also see that the variance in values increases as the value increases.
* This is because of the cumulative variance effect of the various components combined with the high retention value of each previous stage (lambda).
* Now that we have data generated through a Value-added simulation we can start testing different value added estimators.
* That will be for a later post!
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